Remote Support

Broadband & Leased Lines

Whether you are using Cloud services or not within your business, having the reliable Internet connections is vital to almost any business.

At ION we have used our skills and experience to partner with a number of reliable, high-quality Internet providers. This allows us to offer Internet connections to our clients directly, and include the provision within the monthly management contract.

Depending on your requirements we can provide:

Standard ADSL Broadband 

This service is only offered in areas where Fibre broadband is not available and the requirement for Internet speeds does not justify a Bonded approach (see below).

Fibre Broadband

Fibre Optic Broadband provides quicker download speeds than a standard broadband connection and is great for companies who are looking for both speed and reliability. When available it is the “Go To” choice for most companies.

Bonded ADSL

Where Fibre broadband is unavailable but your company requires better than standard ADSL Broadband speeds, Bonded ADSL is a good option.

The service combines multiple, standard lines and allows them to be used at the same time giving improved performance. Reliability is also improved as the service continues as long as at least one of the ADSL lines is operational.

Depending on budget and speed requirements 2, 3 or 4 lines can be bonded together using this service.

In all of the cases above the service is provided using telephone lines. In the past we have had significant problems in cases where the service has failed and the phone lines and Internet service are provided by different parties.

ION ensure that with all of our services the lines are owned by the Internet provider ensuring the fastest possible resolution to line failures and service issues should they occur.

Leased Lines

Leased Lines are the fastest and most reliable Internet connection that can be provided. With a leased line you have your own, dedicated fibre connection to the Internet. Your connection speed remains constant and the bandwidth is solely for your own use.

Whilst these lines were traditionally very expensive the price has fallen significantly in recent years making it affordable to a wide range of businesses.

It is the best solution for clients that need extremely reliable Internet coupled with consistently fast access.

Need more clarification on broadband and leased lines? Contact ION Systems today on 01635 888800

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We have been very impressed with the team at ION, their friendly support and honesty in the complicated world of IT is second to none. We would definitely recommend them the wider business community. Keep it up!

Mike Bagshaw, Owner International Taste Solutions